Meeting Minutes

Safety Committee Meeting

December 6, 2021 3:30 pm

Members present: Andy Madura, Sherrie Proctor, Dan Kimball, Kathy Wentworth, Tim Bell, Elizabeth Ronco, and Ralph Caron.


1) Welcome/Member Check In -

  • Andy gave each member an opportunity to discuss any issues within the building.

2) Review Monthly Student/Staff Injury Data -

  • Student injuries were emailed to Andy for the committee review.

3) Annual Safety Contest, 2021 winner presentation CRES update

Allison Johnston at CRES

? at SLS

4) Monthly Safety Contest Drawing



LRHS - Anna Caiazzo, Wayne Holden

SLS - Jessica Webb, Tim Bell - Using a step stool.

Transp - Matt Peaco, Tammy Wright - Picking paper up off the floor

SPED/Adult Ed - None

LRMS - Priscilla Riley, Brenda Richardson - used a flashlight to get to car

SBES - Akaila Scorza, Courtney Smith - moved a stack of boxes off a table where people were working so they wouldn’t fall over.

CO - None

5) Winter Signage - Andy’s department will get the signs out for staff to put up at all the locations. Safety Committee members should try to mention at a staff meeting if possible.

6) Employee injury reports - Just a reminder that staff that get injured at work are required to report it to their Administrator fill out an injury report which is located on the District website under the teacher and staff portal.

7) Other -

Adjourned at 3:45 p.m.

Next Meeting: 1/3/22

Safety Website: